Emergency Service Detail of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Special Enforcement Bureau
I had the privilege to visit these brave folks and got to draw them in their action some time ago.
The Emergency Services Detail is an essential part of the LASD Special Enforcement Bureau. It is the Department’s tactical paramedics, and rescue and recovery specialists. It is made up of a few members of the bureau who are licensed paramedics and certified tactical medics. They are able to deliver advanced life support care in any of the extreme situations that SEB faces. The detail’s members are special weapons team members and are trained and certified in SWAT and Tactical Operations, Rural and Mountain Rescue, Ocean and Swift Water Rescue, Helicopter-Based Rescue, and Public Safety Diving. Advanced specialized training involves Combat Medical, Combat Technical Rescue, Confined Space Rescue and Recovery, Tactical HAZMAT, and advanced underwater recovery operations. ESD also serves as a resource to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and has been called on numerous times to offer its expertise and services in California and across the nation involving natural disasters. ESD members have extensive tactical experience and can only be selected after serving with the Special Weapons Teams. Training to be an ESD deputy takes approximately 18 months to become operational.
:::: 18" wide x 12" high