The Angel of Death Above
It has many names. The original nickname goes back to the Viet Nam War. It was known as "Puff, the Magic Dragon". Then, they were using AC-47. Now it is known as "Spectre," "Spooky," or "The Angel of Death". It is Mighty AC-130 Gunship.
Our ground troops love to hear the sound of the death rain onto their enemies, while the enemies are terrified.
It has 105mm Howitzer, General Dynamics 25 mm Equalizer 5-barreled Gatling cannon, 40 mm Bofors cannon, guided AGM-176A Griffin missiles, and GBU-30 bombs, among other destructive goodies. It is the ultimate battle plane.
Done in freehand pencil drawing and watercolor
::::: 18" wide x 12" high
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